Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Thor's Day Viking Reading

Valkyrie's Vengeance (Maidens of the Shield) by Suzie Grant
Stranded on foreign soil. Rescued and raised by the enemy and witness to the death of the very woman who’d saved her life. Tyra Svensdottir declares war on her own people, kidnapping the man who wields the sword of the underworld —Hel’s Hammer. Forcing him to repair her shipwrecked vessel for her quest to kill his king, their journey takes them across frigid waters on a myriad of adventures as well as a voyage of sensual discovery.

Rorik Thorlicksson uncovers treachery within his clan and must yield to the woman holding him prisoner in order to return home to warn of the impending attack. Along the voyage he unravels the mystery behind his captor discovering she is the woman promised to him in wedlock at birth though her disappearance years ago had released him from his betrothal. Dissuading the little heathen away from her goal and into his bed becomes a more appealing prospect with every passing day.

Blood vengeance brings them together even as desire binds their hearts. Amongst the secrets and obscurity of their destinies, they find a love that spans a lifetime and an end to A Valkyrie’s Vengeance.

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